Hoy tenemos el honor de contar con la presencia de Nahúm Méndez, también conocido como Un geólogo en apuros. En esta ocasión, nos hablará sobre las últimas noticias relacionadas con el planeta Marte. Recientemente se ha informado que el núcleo del planeta rojo podría estar totalmente fundido, lo que ha generado gran interés en la comunidad científica y en el público en general. ¿Qué implicaciones tendría esta información en la exploración del planeta y en comparación con la Tierra?

Fernando Cervera Rodríguez has a degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Valencia, where he also completed a master’s degree in Molecular Approaches in Health Sciences. His research work has focused on aspects related to molecular biology and human health. He has written content for various platforms and is an editor for Plaza Magazine and Muy Interesante. He has been a finalist for the Boehringer national award for health journalism and winner of the Literary Award for Scientific Dissemination of the Ciutat de Benicarló in 2022. He has also published a book with the Laetoli publishing house, which deals with skepticism, biomedical scams and pseudoscience in general. The book is entitled “The art of selling shit”, and another with the Círculo Rojo publishing house and entitled “In favor of animal experimentation”. In addition, he is a founding member of the Association to Protect the Patient from Pseudoscientific Therapies.